We are the iOS club of Tianjin Normal University, a student community strongly supported by Apple and the school of software of Tianjin Normal University.We are committed to building an iOS developer association that promotes learning and practice outside the classroom, building a team and creating the first iOS app in our life.
It is just a basic operation to learn about iOS development, UI design, video cre-ation and other related technologies here.Knowing varieties of technology enthu-siasts is also not all. Igniting your love for technology ,changing what you have understood on innovation and starting your team journey is just the ultimate goal.
We hold daily sharing meetings to exchange the latest technology trends. Partici-pate in offline courses of Apple store to understand Apple culture and iOS app design specifications.We also take part in Apple winter and summer camp, coope-rating with outstanding iOS club members from other universities.Besides, we join in the Mobile Application Innovation Competition (CCCC), and compete with the national excellent iOS developers.
Welcome to join us ~
Get 团队和 Counting Stars 团队包揽华北赛区一二等奖!
6月2日,坐标天津恒隆广场 ,有一家种树的 Apple Store。
2018 年移动应用创新赛报名启动,鼓励校际合作,欢迎全球高校投递作品。
天津师范大学的 iOS Club 承办于2017年9月,拥有良好的教育资源与硬件资源。
In August 2017, two founders, Zhao Yiqin, the first president of software engineering 15, and Liu Jingyu, the first vice president of software computer 16, had the honor to participate in the iOS Club summer camp when preparing for the 2017 Mobile Application Innovation Competition. So they initiated the idea of introducing iOS club into our school as a technology community. Then at the beginning of the new semester, they applied to the school official for the establishment of the community.
Finally, in September 2017, iOS club was establishd!